This is a Vintage Mexican silver mixed metale chain mail charm bracelet with ring. It is a bit shy of 7.5 in. long and 1 7/8in. wide making quite a statement. The metals are: higher than 925 silver, brass and copper. This one is in perfect condition and is a pre-1948. The chain is EXTREMELY FLEXIBLE as many that were made at this time were stiff. It has been noted that this type of work is extremely time consuming and quite costly to make today as all the metals have a different melting point making it quite tricky work. These are seen without the charms that you are to add yourself so, I have added one that is unmarked, 1 1/8in. long, 1 3/8in. wide and the stone looks great with all the colors in the bracelet.(not original to the bracelet itself) You may buy this one or add your own personal touch with your own! The weight of all is 98.7grams.
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