We are witnessing fewer and fewer Old Mexican Clamper bracelets on the market place. The age for these is upward 70 years old now. The springs inside are now worn out. The facilities where you could buy a new spring now say they are not available to purchase. The artists say today that they make them individually when made brand new as needed. I find the designs in these old treasures mesmerizing and totally represent what great Mexican design is all about.
So now what do we do when they do not work any more? I have had the springs hand made and tempered to keep there strength. When a new one goes into the broken treasure for restoration it does make a little bump on the inside of the bracelet. We do not have much of a choice here. We either restore and live with a little bump or melt the bracelet for scrap. I can not bring myself to have this art melted so restoration is my choice to let them continue to be seen and worn with pleasure.
If one has been restored we will tell you in the description. We are committed to always having an honesty policy with our clients.
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